Practices and Mechanisms of Knowledge Sharing In a Startups Acceleration Program


  • Mônica Ramos Carneiro
  • Thiago Zilinski Fulani
  • Eduardo Moreira da Costa



knowledge management, acceleration, startups, knowledge sharing.


Startups acceleration programs supported by companies emerged with the intention of combining the innovative potential of startups with existing resources in corporations. It is known that this union of knowledge, resources and expertise enables joint innovations that benefit them both. However, for this kind of acceleration to occur the sharing of knowledge and the joint creation of new knowledge is of great importance. Therefore, during construction of acceleration programs, practices and processes to encourage the exchange of knowledge should be well planned. In this sense, this article presents a case study in an acceleration program conducted by a technology-based company, aiming at identifying the practices and knowledge sharing mechanisms used in that program. From a literature review on the topic and the case study, it can be concluded that the acceleration of startups supported by a corporation enhances the interpersonal relationship between program participants and strengthens the innovative culture. This behavior promotes knowledge sharing among participants, bringing benefits in business for both.


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