A percepção de eficiência em uma instituição federal de ensino: olhar do gestor público





If I told you that an organization may appear efficient to one individual but, not to another, would you believe me? The term Efficiency is normally used objectively in the literature, but between us, it perhaps allows for other interpretations. An efficient educational institution is fundamental for society and the formation of citizens. Schools must train people for work and life in society, in addition to contributing to local social and economic advances. With Grounded Theory (GT) support, we identified how managers perceive the efficiency of the Federal Institute where they work in relation to the axes: teaching, research and extension. Semi-structured interviews and later the coding technique were used to analyze the perception of these individuals and understand how efficiency was recognized in that environment. Perceptuais nuances of efficiency and its correlation with: bureaucracy, bureaucratic dysfunctions, inefficiency, public management, among others, are observed. The results demonstrate a perception of relative efficiency of managers, due to a dichotomy between “trying to be efficient” and actually having efficient results. Managers are faced with an institutional environment of scarcity and restrictions, which intertwines their daily activities and harms organizational efficiency.


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