Aplicação da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais para agentes de tratamento de pequeno porte: análise em clínicas odontológicas





With the advancement of technologies and the increasing importance of information in contemporary society, secure and responsible data management has become necessary. In response to this need, legislatures around the world have enacted regulations to protect personal data and safeguard the right to privacy. In Brazil, the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), Law No. 13,709 of August 14, 2018, regulates this matter. Small-scale data processing agents, such as controllers and personal data processors, may face compliance challenges with the LGPD due to their size, requiring intervention from the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) to make regulatory adjustments. Healthcare companies, in particular, should prioritize compliance with the LGPD, given the sensitive nature of the health data they continuously handle. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the LGPD in dental clinics in the Federal District and Bahia, Brazil. It is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data collection involved interviews with 10 dentists. Categories of adequacy were identified, including knowledge of the LGPD, information security policies, internal awareness and training, access control, security and storage of personal data, and specificities of daily routines in dental clinics. The analysis revealed that, despite the nature of the field, there is limited knowledge about the LGPD among professionals, highlighting unfamiliarity with this legislation. The results are relevant for both dental professionals and the authorities responsible for enforcing the law in the country.


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