Lean manufacturing: improvement actions in a metalmechanical company


  • Guilherme Saba e Silva Universidade Estadual de Maringa
  • Daiane Maria de De Genaro Chiroli Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná Departamento Acadêmico de Engenharia de Produção http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9088-406X




Lean Production System. 5 S. Continuous improvement. Metal-mechanic sector.


The current industrial scenario in Brazil stimulates competition among companies therefore, aiming at survival in the market and their potential growth, organizations are obliged to seek alternative tools and solutions. The Lean Production System (SPE) has received great attention worldwide due to the results obtained in large corporations with regard to waste reduction and cost reduction. In this context, the present work has the purpose of proposing the application of Tools of the Lean Production System (SPE), through the analysis of the production process of a metal-mechanic  industry located in the state of Paraná - PR, Brazil, and specialized in the production of a line of sprayers for agriculture. Based on the bibliographic research of the techniques and tools that structure the SPE, a case study is presented. The proposal of the tools to be applied was developed, according to the conditions found in the studied company. It proposed the implementation of the 5 S Program; the layout adaptation and the Rapid Change of Tools as premises for the subsequent implementation of other SPE tools. Some actions were initiated, bringing significant results to the company, as better organization of the sector, reduction of the productive lead time by 25% and reduction in setup time, improvement in production time, better organization, making it possible to standardize production orders.


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Author Biographies

Guilherme Saba e Silva, Universidade Estadual de Maringa

Engenheiro de Produção

Daiane Maria de De Genaro Chiroli, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná Departamento Acadêmico de Engenharia de Produção

Dra. Engenharia de Produção pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Professora Assistente do Departamento de Engenharia de Produção da UniversidadeTecnológica Federal do Paraná. Chefe da Divisão de Propriedade Intelectual.


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