Application of the analytic hierarchy process methodology for supplier selection in a clothing industry


  • Alana Corsi Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
  • Danilo Hisano Barbosa
  • Alec Murilo Kobner Moro



Decision making. Supplier selection. Analytic Hierarchy Process.


The supplier selection is one of the most critical activities for the management of the supply chain and can directly influence the performance of organizations. The task of supplier selection has been approached as a strategic decision capable of adding value to the chain, as well as gaining competitiveness. This task has been treated as a multi-criteria decision problem, where the purchasing organization is responsible for determining the criteria that will be evaluated, among the different existing methods to do so. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the methods applied to this type of problem and has the advantage of evaluating objective and also subjective data, capable of assisting in the decision-making process. Thus, the objective of the present work is to deal with the problem of supplier selection of a beachwear and fitness fashion industry, located in the city of Maringá - PR, by using the AHP. For this purpose, suppliers were chosen by a team of specialists from the organization, the managers, and selected according to the AHP methodology. The results were ranked so that, in the end, suppliers that best meet the requirements of the organization were selected.


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