Analysis of the use of experiential marketing strategies by a Brazilian clothing brand


  • João Henriques de Sousa Júnior Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Marketing Experience. Marketing Strategy. Brazilian Clothing.


The global competitive landscape and advances in technology have brought significant changes to the market and to consumers. Among these changes is the awareness of organizations regarding the new consumers that  are not only satisfied with products and services, but also seek to have experiences with brands. In this  context,  experiential marketing has been gaining strength and notoriety in the most diverse segments, among them the clothing market. In view of the above, the present study seeks to analyze the marketing strategies used by the company Reserva, a well-known Brazilian clothing brand. For that, a secondary data collection was performed from the digital media postings of the selected company. The results obtained from the analysis of the collected content show clear and stimulated use of experiential marketing by the brand in its relationship with consumers, with concerns about the ideology of a new concept of life consumption of meanings and significances that differentiate branded products of their competitors.


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Author Biography

João Henriques de Sousa Júnior, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutorando em Administração (PPGA/UFSC), Mestre em Administração (PROPAD/UFPE), Especialista em Gestão Pública (IFPE), Bacharel em Administração (UFPE).


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