Co-working spaces for all? an analysis of prices of shared work environments in Recife - PE (Brazil)




Shared Environments. Suburbs. Social Entrepreneurship. Coworkings.


The changes that occurred in the 20th and 21st centuries have changed the way people work. Currently the new resources available allowed for the establishing of co-working spaces, defined as shared work environments. Co-working spaces in Brazil started booming in the second decade of this century. It is observed that these enterprises are allocated in the consolidated regions and commercial centers, which raises questions as to the universality and extend of use by  workers of different classes  and enterprises due to the price and the structure favored. The aim of the paper is to analyze the price-structure-location of the Co-working spaces in Recife (Pernambuco - Brazil). The methodology involved the exploratory - descriptive character, with geoprocessing. Of the 36 Co-working spaces cataloged in Recife, 17 revealed their different plans of payment and prices. For the plans allowing unlimited use, among the 17, only one charged values below R$500,00 Reais (Brazilian currency), 6 establishments ranging from R$500,00 to R$600,00. The prices of the others were either above R$700,00  or there were no plans for unlimited use offered. On the structure, shared desks, internet and Wi-Fi, printers, recharging points, air conditioning, restrooms, water and coffee are those observed in common in most of the environments under study. Only two Co-working spaces are not in consolidated shopping centers or high-income neighborhoods, which leads to the rethinking of solutions for joining these establishments in these environments. Therefore, the proposition is that there is emergency for a theory in Social Co-working spaces and their definition involving Social Entrepreneurship, Networks and Collaborative Economy to become a viable alternative for Co-working spaces at decentralized points in the city.


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