Showrooming and webrooming: how the study of these behaviors has been discussed in the literature
Showrooming. Webrooming. Bibliometric study.Abstract
This study aims to analyze the scientific production, in the English and Portuguese languages, about showrooming and webrooming behaviors. A bibliometric study, with a mixed approach, was carried out with a search on Portal de Periódicos CAPES, EBSCO e Google Scholar, and a systematic review of the literature. Despite the fact that the publications on the subject are in a growing, no selected research studied Brazilian consumers. It was also noted that the showrooming behavior is more analyzed than the webrooming. With the objective of supporting researchers who aim to investigate these behaviors, the present research generated a synthesis table of the main results and gaps found in the literature on the subject. The survey of scientific research on this theme facilitates the signaling of theoretical gaps, aiding the advancement of them. For example, some of the gaps founded are the analysis of the role of mobile technologies, the triangulation of different perspectives, and the comparative analysis between results of studies on showrooming and webrooming. The proposed objective is considered pertinent to the current theme and the impact it causes on organizations, being the first study of the type to be carried out.
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