Business Process Management and information technology infrastructure library in the version release management process


  • Dacyr Dante de Oliveira Gatto UNINOVE - Universidade Nove de Julho
  • Edquel Bueno Prado Farias UNINOVE - Universidade Nove de Julho
  • Renato José Sassi UNINOVE - Universidade Nove de Julho



Framework ITIL. Metodologia BPM. Gerenciamento. Liberação de Versão.


The Version Release Management process is responsible for implementing changes in the Information Technology infrastructure environment through the use of a set of configuration items. If there is a change in these configuration items, it is necessary to intervene and restructure the process to eliminate failures. In situations like this the BPM methodology is used in the documentation, manipulation and formalization of business processes. It also uses the ITIL framework in the implementation of service management focused on people, processes and resources used. The software developer company discussed in this article introduced the change in the distribution of configuration items that are part of this process causing problems in the Version Release Management process. Professional intervention is required with the use of the BPM methodology and the ITIL framework for its restructuring and elimination of failures. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the application of the BPM methodology and the ITIL framework in the Version Release Management process in a software development company. To achieve this goal a qualitative approach was used, divided into two phases: Phase 1, definition and mapping of the Version Release Management process with the application of the BPM methodology and Phase 2, application of the ITIL framework on the process already defined.


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