Relating intellectual capital, knowledge management and sustainability: a conceptual model




Intellectual Capital. Knowledge management. Sustainability.


Recently, some themes have been deepened in management research, such as intellectual capital, knowledge management and sustainability. However, discussions about the relationship between these themes are not identified in the literature. Considering this relationship, this theoretical essay aims to discuss how intellectual capital and knowledge management contribute to the adoption of sustainability in organizations. From the discussion, a conceptual model emerges based on three theoretical propositions that demonstrate: (i) the mutual relationship between intellectual capital and knowledge management and its dimensions; (ii) the existence of a positive relationship between the dimensions of intellectual capital and the adoption of sustainability; and (iii) the presence of a positive relationship between knowledge management processes and the adoption of sustainability. This study has relevance both for organizations that aim to adopt sustainability practices and those that want to improve profitability through intellectual capital and knowledge management.


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Author Biographies

Leandro da Silva Nascimento, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Doutorando em Administração (UFRGS), Mestre em Administração (PROPAD/UFPE). Bacharel em Administração (UFPE).

João Henriques de Sousa Júnior, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutorando em Administração (PPGA/UFSC), Mestre em Administração (PROPAD/UFPE), Especialista em Gestão Pública (IFPE), Bacharel em Administração (UFPE).


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