The use of WhatsApp as a marketing tool in the supermarket segment


  • Rafaella Dutra Goulart Universidade Federal de Uberlandia
  • Geraldo Antônio Silva Borba
  • Edson Arlindo Silva
  • Rejane do Prado



Mobile marketing. Digital marketing. Social networks. WhatsApp. Supermarket Segment.


This study presents the importance of mobile marketing today, which functions as a key element in organizations that seek to ensure competitive advantage in the market and attract more customers. Therefore, a study of the WhatsApp tool was used as a facilitator in the marketing process of the companies. This exploratory study had as main objective to understand how the "Supermarket Segment", of the municipality of Ituiutaba-MG, is using WhatsApp as a marketing tool for the commercialization of products and / or services, and also counted on digital ethnography, which sought to investigate how this tool is being used by the company as an instrument of relationship with its customers. It has been identified that the organization visualizes the advantages that the application provides, having WhatsApp as strategic tool to attract clients, to guarantee competitive advantage in the market, and also as means of publicizing advertisements, promotions and reports, enabling  an efficient dissemination of this information in order to ensure their organizational objectives.


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