Introduction of technologies in favor of efficiency in logistics: a case study in the service sector


  • Pedro Vieira Souza Santos Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco - UNIVASF



Technology. Management. Logistics.


The increasing use of technologies in business environments, such as support to operations, is notorious. In addition, the use of technological tools, especially in logistics and its management, is considered one of the most efficient ways of improving the business. Thus, in order for logistic activities to be carried out, the use of technologies may favor the primary objective of this area. In view of this scenario, the purpose of this paper was to analyze the impact of the introduction of technologies in logistic operations in a service company located in Pernambuco, comparing the evolution of the sector prior and after the use of the technological apparatus in its routines. As a result, it is clear that the program has fulfilled its objective of improving the operations of the logistics sector of the company, bringing a more realistic approach to the day by day routines of the department, and also facilitating decision making process by local management.


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Author Biography

Pedro Vieira Souza Santos, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco - UNIVASF

Engenheiro de Produção

Graduado em Engenharia de Produção - UNIVASF

Graduação adjunta no Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Blois - IUT / Université François-Rabelais (graduação sanduiche - França).

Técnico em Eletromecânica (SENAI/PE)


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