Knowledge management in the third sector: a diagnosis of three civil society organizations




Knowledge management. Third sector. Maturity evaluation. Civil society organizations. Non-profit organizations.


Considering knowledge as the main asset for any organization - regardless of sector, area of activity and size - knowledge management needs to be better explored in a significant population of organizations, the third sector, that today represents about 820 thousand institutions in the country. This article aims to evaluate knowledge management in three civil society organizations (CSOs) through a quantitative and qualitative approach. The aim is also to test the instrument chosen in order to identify gaps and the specific needs of the third sector to guide future studies, as this instrument was applied in a large scale in the second sector. It is hypothesized that the instrument does not fully address the needs of the third sector and that the CSOs studied should not reach high levels of maturity. Both hypotheses were confirmed.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Marmentini, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

Administração pública - Gestão do Conhecimento - Terceiro Setor

Denilson Sell, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

Gestão do Conhecimento


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