Small organic production in Brazil: the dominant thecnopolitics of agroecology


  • Orlando Gomes da Silva Universidade Federal de Campina Grande



Organic products. Organizational technology. Public policy administration.


Organic production in Brazil is associated, in large part, with small producers and agroecology. This essay, based on the contextualization of the broad spectrum of small organic agriculture, aims to discuss the structure of meanings given to agroecology as the practically official production and organizational technology for small organic producers in Brazil. Thus, a theoretical composition around the concept of technology as an accomplishment is adopted methodologically and it is presented as is seen as the dominant technological structure in the definitions of Brazilian public policy for organic production. It is concluded that, faced with the difficulties in technical assistance concerning mainly marketing circuits, there is a need to develop research on other technological models of production and management for the different small organic farms.


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Author Biography

Orlando Gomes da Silva, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Mestre em Engenharia de Produção (UFPB)

Graduado em Administração (IESP)



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