Conscious capitalism and corporate governance: construction of knowledge based on the literature


  • Daniel Cargnin da Silva UNISUL
  • Ademar Dutra Professor do Mestrado em Administração - UNISUL
  • Simone Sehnem UNOESC e UNISUL
  • Graciella Martignago UNISUL



Conscious Capitalism. Corporate governance. Proknow-C.


The objective of this article is to analyze the basic and advanced characteristics of the international publications related to the cutting of the theme Conscious Capitalism and Corporate Governance, through the tool Knowledge Development Process - Constructivist (ProKnow-C). The basic variables of the Bibliographic Portfolio related to the characterization of the most prolific authors, articles with greater recognition and scientific relevance, and periodicals that disseminate such publications more widely, and the advanced variables that evidence the principles of conscious capitalism based on the author Mackey and Sisodia (2014). It was found that the prominent author was Today Joe as featured journal of Journal of Business Ethics. Through the analysis of the advanced variables, it was observed that none of the articles in the bibliographic portfolio deals specifically with the theory of Conscious Capitalism, however most articles in the portfolio have convergence with theory.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Cargnin da Silva, UNISUL

Mestrado do Curso de Administração

Simone Sehnem, UNOESC e UNISUL

Graduada em Agronegócios pela UNOESC

Graduada em Administração pela UNOESC

Mestre em Administração pela UFSC

Doutora em Administração pela UNIVALI

Professora no Mestrado em Administração - UNISUL

Professora no Mestrado e Doutorado em Administração - UNOESC

Graciella Martignago, UNISUL

Professora do Mestrado em Administração - UNISUL


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