The method Getting Things Done (GTD) and time and productivity management tools


  • Mariana Alvim de Sá Faculdade de Tecnologia Senac Florianópolis
  • Abner Eutéquio Benício da Silva Faculdade de Tecnologia Senac Florianópolis
  • Guilherme de Freitas Oliveira Faculdade de Tecnologia Senac Florianópolis
  • Jane Aparecida da Silveira Faculdade de Tecnologia Senac Florianópolis



Getting Things Done. Productivity. Time Management. Trello. Evernote


Keeping a high level of productivity amid the exorbitant amount of information we have today is not an easy task. The human difficulty to manage time and tasks, due to a poorly managed list of priorities is evident. To organize the mind and make it serene and free to create, David Allen developed the GTD (Getting Things Done) method. This worldwide known method becomes a great ally for deployment of a manageable workflow without many complications and stress. This study was based on bibliographical researches with a qualitative and descriptive approach, and has the purpose of describing the five stages of the GTD method elucidating the way to practice and apply the method itself. As a results, besides the theory of the method, two tools available in the market are presented. They enable the application of the method. As conclusion the characteristics of the computerized tools and the importance of the method for management of projects are presented.


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Author Biographies

Mariana Alvim de Sá, Faculdade de Tecnologia Senac Florianópolis

Pós-Graduanda em Gerenciamento de Projetos e assistente na empresa Sesc Santa Catarina

Abner Eutéquio Benício da Silva, Faculdade de Tecnologia Senac Florianópolis

Pós-Graduando em Gerenciamento de Projetos

Guilherme de Freitas Oliveira, Faculdade de Tecnologia Senac Florianópolis

Pós-Graduando em Gerenciamento de Projetos e analista de marketing na empresa Investidor de Sucesso

Jane Aparecida da Silveira, Faculdade de Tecnologia Senac Florianópolis

Pós-Graduanda em Gerenciamento de Projetos


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