Behavior of the Nova Prata consumer for purchases in physicals or virtual environment


  • Rosecler Maschio Gilioli UNIVERSIDADE DE CAXIAS DO SUL



Consumer. Physical trade. Virtual trade.


The theme of this s study is about the behavior of consumers in Nova Prata, concerning their purchases in  physical and/or virtual environments, in order  to identify their profiles, the products they buy and what leads them to acquire these products either way. The investigation made use of interviews with companies on the behavior of the consumers and as well as the application of questionnaires to the population. Another aim of this study was to make recommendations to the shopkeepers of Nova Prata based on the analysis and identification of the results proposed previously. The method adopted is of a qualitative nature, of  exploratory level with a case study when dealing with interviews with the companies participating in the study, and quantitative, descriptive, and with application of a survey strategy for the analysis and appreciation of the information obtained through the collection of data from largest possible sample of consumers residing in Nova Prata / RS.
The theme of this s study is about the behavior of consumers in Nova Prata, concerning their purchases in  physical and/or virtual environments, in order  to identify their profiles, the products they buy and what leads them to acquire these products either way. The investigation made use of interviews with companies on the behavior of the consumers and as well as the application of questionnaires to the population. Another aim of this study was to make recommendations to the shopkeepers of Nova Prata based on the analysis and identification of the results proposed previously. The method adopted is of a qualitative nature, of  exploratory level with a case study when dealing with interviews with the companies participating in the study, and quantitative, descriptive, and with application of a survey strategy for the analysis and appreciation of the information obtained through the collection of data from largest possible sample of consumers residing in Nova Prata / RS.


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