Relationship strategies of mobile operators: a comparative investigation between prepaid and postpaid customers in Belém - Pará, Brazil.


  • Patrícia Helena Martins Nazareth UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARÁ
  • Carlos André Corrêa de Mattos UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARÁ



Mobile. Users. Prepaid service. Post Paid Service.


The mobile phone industry has high participation in the Brazilian market, but at the same time, it is the target of constant criticism from users of the service. This article aims to present the results about the performance of mobile operators, rated by customers of pre-paid and post-paid services, in Belem, Pará. The research used the quantitative approach, and was of exploratory, descriptive, and ex-post facto character. Four hundred and five (405) questionnaires were applied to users of mobile services, selected in simple random probability sample and techniques used descriptive statistics and non-parametric (Mann-Whitney) to process the data. The results indicated that the post-paid group shows a slightly lower dissatisfaction with telephone services. However, in general both, customers of prepaid and postpaid modality, evaluate the services provided by mobile operators negatively.


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