Characteristics of adoption of methods, techniques and tools for innovation in organizations in Santa Catarina


  • Gustavo Tomaz Buchele Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Pierry Teza Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina
  • João Artur de Souza Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Gertrudes Aparecida Dandolini Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



innovation, methods, techniques and tools for innovation, MTF-I, organizations from Santa Catarina, survey.


Innovation has been considered  an essential element not only for success, but for the survival of businesses by creating  long-term competitive advantage. However, this process still poses major challenges to organizations, and the adoption of Methods, Techniques and Tools for Innovation is considered as means to stimulate it and support it, increasing its chances of success. Thus, the purpose of this article is to describe the characteristics of adoption of Methods, Techniques and Tools for Innovation in organizations in Santa Catarina. For this, the research was conducted following a quantitative approach with data collection conducted through a survey in organizations in Santa Catarina using questionnaires on the Internet. The main results found that many MTF-I are known but few are used. Furthermore, it was observed, as well as in the literature, they are most often used in the front end of innovation. It was possible to identify that the MTF-I adoption is important to increase the competitiveness and they are mainly used to solve problems in organizations. In this sense, they showed high level of satisfaction after being used. This study contributes empirically to the subject, even when the results can not be generalized to all organizations in Santa Catarina. However, these results can serve as a starting point for further research on the subject.


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