Big data & analytics: the perception of leaders on the process regarding decision-making supported by data


  • Felipe Cys Laskoski



Leadership. Big data. Analytics. Decision-Making.


With the advancement of technology and the growing increase of databases in organizations, it is urgent to define strategies for the compilation and analysis of these data to improve decision making as a way of achieving competitiveness. In this scenario, the main objective of this article is to analyze the perception of the leaders in relation to the concepts of Big Data and Analytics, and how they are preparing themselves and their teams for the use of large volumes of data in the process of making strategic decisions. For this, a questionnaire was applied to leaders of a system of credit unions located in Blumenau - Santa Catarina. From the results, one can see that the leaders understand that the use of large volumes of data is important for generating insights for the future. Also, it was found that the concept of Big Data and Analytics are being entered on the day by day discussions and the teams are being prepared for this new decision-making methodology, thus increasing the competitiveness of the organization.


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