Information technology and communication applied to tourism: trends and possibilities


  • Carlos Sousa Rocha Senac-SC
  • Flávio Iwao Yamanaka Senac-SC
  • Eli Lopes Silva Senac-SC



Information and Communication Technologies. Accommodation. Third platform.


This article is from a subproject entitled Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for the tourism and hospitality sector, which is part of a larger research Senac/SC and means of accommodation, which aims to identify and propose management indicators for the segment. Here is a literature review of the possibilities of use of ICTs for this sector and the results of an exploratory phase aimed at identifying the technologies used in the state of Santa Catarina. As results of the research, we present this analysis in an attempt to map the existing technology and future possibilities, as well as to show the results of the questionnaire applied to the companies of the sector in the state. Among the resources which can be more explored by the accommodation sector is the third platform. The findings point to a huge potential for the use of ICTs which have not yet been implemented by accommodation facilities. The research also hints to existing gaps in research related to the topic, and which can be further developed based on the present research.


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