Analysis of the best practices of science and technology institutions in the national innovation systems in Spain, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea and Germany


  • Vanderleia Radaelli Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento/ Divisão de Competitividade e Inovação, Brasil
  • Eliana Maria Oliveira Sá Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Alagoas/ Instituto Euvaldo Lodi de Alagoas – IEL/AL, Brasil
  • Denise Pinto Gadelha Federação das Indústrias do Estado da Paraíba/ Direção de Articulação Institucional da FIEP/SENAI, Brasil
  • Celio Cabral de Sousa Junior Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas / Gerência de Acesso à Inovação e Tecnologia, Brasil
  • Natalino Uggioni Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Santa Catarina / Instituto Euvaldo Lodi de Santa Catarina, Brasil
  • Michele Mamede Faiad Confederação Nacional da Indústria/ Unidade de Comércio Exterior, Brasil



Best practices. Science and Technology Institution. National Systems of Innovation.


The economic performance of regions is increasingly associated with the shaping of innovation systems and the intensity and effectiveness
of interactions between different Science and Technology Institutions (ICTs) in the generation and diffusion of new knowledge and
technologies. The general objective of the study is to analyze the best practices of ICTs in innovation systems (Spain, Mexico, South Korea and
Germany). Specifically: a) it intends to draw a comparison with Brazil, seeking premises related to the productive and innovative subsystems,
governmental, cultural, industrial, science and technology and b) to show the implications in the advancement of studies in the National
System of Innovation (NIS) and regional development policies. In terms of methodological procedures, a descriptive research was carried out
from the point of view of its objectives. From the point of view of the problem approach, a qualitative research was made. In addition, research
on technical procedures is characterized as a bibliographical research, such as participatory research and documentary research, using as
benchmarking techniques the observation of ICTs actors from Brazil in international missions in Spain, Mexico, Germany and South Korea. The
results describe the mechanisms for fostering innovation as best practices in these countries and the best understanding of the specificities
of each system. Summarizing, it is possible to affirm that analyzes of the best practices of innovation systems and their ICTs in Spain, Mexico,
Germany and South Korea can inspire actions for innovation in the target regions of the Regional Innovation System (SRI) Program in Brazil.
Thus, practical and scientific contributions point out the implications of ICTs in the process of strengthening regional innovation systems. In
addition, the contacts established during the missions, as well as all the support material produced, will enable States to continue their
assessments of the replicability of innovation instruments in the light of their local specificities.


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Author Biography


Luciana Peixoto Santa RitaProfessora  do Curso de Administração da Universidade Federal de AlagoasProfessora do Mestrado Profissional em Administração Pública em Rede Nacional (PROFIAP) e do Mestrado em Economia AplicadaEmail: lupsantarita@gmail.comCel.: +55 (82) 99997-7275
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