Measurement of Sustainability Practices of Companies in the Industrial and Port Complex of Pecém




maritime port environmental management, sustainability practices, industrial and port complex of Pecém.


Brazilian ports are extremely important to the economy, acting between production systems and consumption centers. This research aims to evaluate the sustainability practices of AECIPP member companies, as well as the dissemination of these practices to interested parties, to study them by branches of economic activity. The adopted research is classified as exploratory-descriptive with a qualitative approach and the population is composed of 31 member companies of the AECIPP. For data collection, secondary documentary research was used. The data collection instrument was a checklist consisting of six questions that assess the adoption and disclosure or not of sustainability practices by companies. To assess and classify the performance of each company and branch of activity in relation to their sustainability practices, the sum of the valuations attributed to the items in the checklist was carried out. With the results obtained, there is an indication that 8 companies have a great performance in relation to the adoption of sustainability practices and their disclosure, the others already show a trend towards change, a fact that should be mentioned is that the corporate policies of these companies that often represent their intentions towards society begin to encompass terms that refer to sustainable development.


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