Resilience and sustainability in the supply chain: a case study in a wholesale company
resilience, sustainability, risk management, supply chain, wholesaler.Abstract
Resilient companies are able to adapt to environmental instabilities in order to become more prepared for future events. In this sense, the aim of this article was to identify and analyze the relationship between actions of resilience to uncertain occurrences and the three dimensions of sustainability (economic, environmental, social), including the role of risk management in a supply chain. Therefore, a case study was carried out in a wholesale company and it was observed that sustainable companies tend to be more resilient, since they are more prepared to adapt to environmental disturbances, whether internal or external, to their supply chain. The study contributes to the literature by presenting the relationship between resilience and sustainability, based on the Triple Bottom Line (TBL), in addition to analyzing the impact of the truck drivers' strike on the activities of the analyzed company. This is a topic little explored in the national scenario, having used a wholesale distributor company as the focus of the study.
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