Social Coworkings as support for entrepreneurship: proposing a definition of the construct and a research approach




co-workings, social entrepreneurship, collaborative economy, socioeconomic alternatives.


Facing the various dynamics that, in recent years, took place in society, in the economy, and in the forms of work, mechanisms that can adhere to the existing gaps and support the unprivileged social segments entering into unconquered spaces can open alternative conditions for entrepreneurship. Thus, this essay aims to specify the construct Social Coworking (Social CW) domain and its support for entrepreneurship as well as present an investigation approach. The theoretical and methodological foundation of Collaborative Economy, Entrepreneurship, and Geoprocessing presents ten (10) propositions that reach the concept, the structure, the nature, the stimulated regions, and possible propensities and needs which create the main basis of the construct Social Coworking and its investigation. Based on these propositions, there will be the possibility and logical opening of Co-workings in non-conventional environments that also need the production of results and know-how existing in the interrelationships present in the literature on the subject, thus assisting in the processes and solutions to the challenges to be found, especially in Brazil.


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