Knowledge sharing among teachers at a technical school in the state of São Paulo




knowledge sharing, academic environment, technical school.


Knowledge Management (KM) aims to be a procedure for creating, organizing and accessing the knowledge existing in the organization. Any and all companies, regardless of their productive nature, must invest in the control of organizational knowledge, not as a main purpose, but as a practice capable of improving production and its results. This article aims to identify, in the perception of teachers of a state technical school, some of them members of the management team, the incidence of knowledge sharing (CC) actions, present in the SECI conversion process (socialization, externalization, combination and internalization). This is qualitative quantitative, descriptive, applied research, carried out from 2018 to 2020, which uses field study as a strategy. The field investigation was carried out by consulting institutional documents and, in November and December 2019, applying a questionnaire to high school / technical teachers and the institution's management and teaching staff. The state technical school, object of the research, is located in the northern region of the state of São Paulo and is administered by the Centro Paula Souza (CPS), an autarchy of the Government of the State of SP. The results indicated that the stages of externalization and combination are the ones that stand out the most, leaving the occurrence of constant records of pedagogical activities and aggregation of existing information. On the other hand, internal training actions and appreciation of the mission and organizational values need improvement. The investigation is relevant, not only because of the possibility of applying its results, but also because there are few studies dealing with KM in the academic area.


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Author Biographies

Matheus Dominguez Fernandes, Escola Técnica Estadual de São Paulo (ETEC)

Mestre em Engenharia de Produção (UNIARA). Docente da Escola Técnica Estadual de São Paulo (ETEC)

Vera Mariza Henriques de Miranda Costa, Universidade de Araraquara - UNIARA. Mestrado Profissional em Engenharia de Produção.

Livre Docente em Economia Brasileira (UNESP). Docente do Mestrado Profissional em Engenharia de Produção da Universidade de Araraquara (UNIARA).Bolsista Funadesp.

Cristina Lourenço Ubeda, Centro de Ciências em Gestão e Tecnologia (CCGT) – UFSCar.

Doutora em Engenharia de Produção (USP). Docente do Programa de Pós-graduação em Gestão de organizações e sistemas públicos (PPGGOSP UFSCar). Centro de Ciências em Gestão e Tecnologia (CCGT) – UFSCar.

Jorge Alberto Achcar, Universidade de Araraquara - UNIARA Mestrado Profissional em Engenharia de Produção

Livre Docente em Estatística, professor titular (USP). Docente do Mestrado Profissional em Engenharia de Produção da Universidade de Araraquara (UNIARA). Bolsista CNPq produtividade em pesquisa.


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