Effects of Time Overestimation on Effective Tasks Duration: an analysis in the light of the Critical Chain
critical chain, planning, projects, behavioral aspects.Abstract
The Critical Chain (CC/PM) is a method for schedule management that considers the influences of behavioral effects in the execution of tasks. The literature has a gap in the empirical evidence of these effects. The purpose of this article is to test the hypothesis that planned durations of tasks without built-in security, cause shorter effective durations, according to the premises of the method. Using an experimental approach, two groups of university students were observed: the control group, with no stipulated deadline for carrying out the task, and the experimental group, with a stipulated deadline, starting from the median of the control group. Data on duration and quality of tasks were obtained and analyzed statistically. CC/PM is recognized worldwide, and its premises are applied as true, however, researchers of this method do not point out experiments that empirically prove their fundamentals. This article addresses gaps in behavioral effects caused by adding additional time to task planning. The hypothesis that planned tasks without built-in security have shorter average effective durations was confirmed. The experimental group had an average duration significantly less than that of the control group, without, however, affecting the quality of the task result. The findings corroborate the premise that deadline estimates without built-in security reduce the behavioral effects on task performers. Showing that a common practice of planners, the insertion of excessive times in their plans, generates deliveries in longer times than they could if there was no built-in security.
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