Engagement at work: a research with state public servants
Work engagement. Public administration. People management. UWES-17.Abstract
Work engagement is an emerging theme in organizational psychology and it expresses a behavior of people physically involved, cognitively vigilant, and emotionally connected with working activity. This construct is composed of three dimensions: vigor, dedication, and absorption. Committed professionals show greater initiative and enthusiasm to overcome the challenges that the tasks require. Given this context, this research aimed to analyze the characteristics and intensity of work engagement among public servants in an institute in the state of Pará, Brazil. The methodology was exploratory and descriptive survey, using the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-17). The sample consisted of one hundred servers, selected in non-probability sampling by judgment and data processing was carried out using descriptive, correlational, and multivariate statistics. Results showed an intermediate level of intensity in all dimensions of the construct. Cluster analysis revealed three groups named, according to the commitment level of intensity, low (25%), medium (61%), and high commitment (14%). According to the results, it is suggested to invest in people management strategies, especially to balance work demands with regard to personal and organizational resources, which is a way to increase engagement and prevent illness in the workplace.Downloads
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