Organizational Justice, Stress and the Workplace - Family Conflict: The Effects of the Triad in a City Hall in Southern Brazil
Organizational Justice, Stress, Work - Family Conflict, City Hall, Brazil.Abstract
The perception of organizational justice has proven to be a variable of great heuristic power to explain behaviors, attitudes and effectiveness in organizations. The workplace has increasingly become a field of stress, injustice and conflict, therefore, we sought to analyze the influence of organizational justice on stress and on the conflict between work-family, having as object of study, a city hall of South region of Brazil. Methodologically, the research is characterized as exploratory in relation to its objective, as for the procedures it can be considered as applied research from the survey of primary data and quantitative in relation to the approach of the problem, being analyzed by means of statistical techniques (Structural equation Modeling). As for the data, it was noticed that the employees of the studied city hall, feel more stressed when the actions or mechanisms related to remuneration, decision-making process and interpersonal issues are unfair. In a second moment, when the servers realize that the actions or mechanisms are unfair within the organizational environment, this creates stress, which in turn generates conflict at home due to work issues. Finally, in this study, it was not evident through structural equation modeling (SEM) that organizational justice has a significant influence on conflict between work-family, given current perceptions about working conditions within the studied city.
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