Organizational Learning Culture and Adoption of New Educational Technologies in a Higher Education Institution in Castanhal - Pará, Brazil


  • Eliane Seabra Paes Leal Universidade da Amazônia
  • Fernando Antônio Colares Palácios Universidade da Amazônia / Universidade do Estado do Pará
  • Patrícia Helena Martins Nazareth Universidade da Amazônia



Organizational Learning. Educational technologies. Learning Culture. Higher education institutions.


The research aims to analyze the relationship between the culture of organizational learning and the adoption of new technologies in higher education institutions - HEI. Specifically, it seeks to identify elements of organizational learning culture, how new technologies are used by professors and what strategies are used by managers in the mobilization of this process. The study was carried out in a private HEI, located in the state of Pará, from May 31 to June 19, 2019. In a qualitative and quantitative approach, an exploratory research was carried out, with the professors of the research unit as subjects. In the methodological procedures, a simplified version of the instrument Dimensions of the Learning Organization Questionnaire – DLOQ-A, was used to identify the elements of learning culture. With these elements, a general learning culture index of 4.99 was obtained, on a scale of 1 to 6, which were captured by 7 dimensions, with “Opportunities for continuous learning” being the dimension with the most prominence. As a result of the use of new educational technologies, positive results were obtained as regards the interest of teachers and students, who, despite not having an ideal technological structure, make good use of the available resources. A positive relationship was observed between the dimensions of organizational learning culture and the adoption of new educational technologies by professors in the researched HEI. However, there is still a need for the HEI studied to adapt its technological structure to a more effective use of new technologies in the pedagogical practices of professors.


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