Merchandising in the consumer vision: an analysis of cross merchandising practice




Merchandising. Cross merchandising. Buying behavior. Consumer.


The objective of this work was to analyze the evaluation of the practice of cross merchandising in the opinion of consumers. Initially, a literature review was performed, focusing on the discussion about merchandising, its origin and evolution, its concept and its importance, entering into the practice of cross merchandising. Having literature as support, a methodological approach was adopted, with an exploratory approach, carried out by means of two quantitative surveys (surveys) with 72 and 234 respondents, respectively. In both cases, the sample was non-probabilistic, selected for convenience. This way, it was possible to observe that there is still a lack of planning habits prior to purchases on part of the consumers, which contributes to a more impulsive behavior at the moment of decision. In addition, a good evaluation of cross-merchandising actions by consumers was observed, even if they understood the objective and perceived its influence.


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Author Biography

Taís Pasquotto Andreoli, Professora Adjunta - Administração/EPPEN - UNIFESP

Graduação em Administração (Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM)     Mestrado em Administração (Universidade de São Paulo - USP) Doutorado em Administração (Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul - USCS)


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