Inclusive innovation as a development alternative


  • Nadi Helena Presser Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Eli Lopes da Silva



Inclusive innovation. Development. Marginalized groups.




In this editorial we introduce what the main authors in the area refer to as inclusive innovation. With a bibliographic study and some cases of inclusive innovation, we analyzed the concept based on a Brazilian author, literally cited, as we believe that, despite the fact that there is no absolute consensus on the theme, Burtet (2019) was able to express the concept of most authors regarding the subject. Despite both, innovation and inclusion, being multidimensional concepts, the editorial tries to present a possible profile of what inclusive innovation is: it presupposes the active  participation, creation of knowledge and “dialogicity”; it has to promote sustainable subsistence; it has to be created by and for marginalized groups; and because of all these aspects, it opposes traditional innovation. We concluded that inclusive innovation has to meet the needs of underprivileged or marginalized classes and that it is, with no doubt, an alternative for development.



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Author Biography

Nadi Helena Presser, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Professora Adjunto

Departamento de Ciência da Informação - DCI

Gestão da Informação


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