Omnichannel, from emphasis on Consumer Behavior to Organizational Impact: a Bibliometric Survey from the Marketing Perspective


  • Marcelo Lisboa Pereira UFSC
  • Martin de La Martiniere Petroll UFSC
  • Gabriela Gonçalves Silveira Fiates UFSC



Omnichannel. Consumer behavior. Marketing. Strategy.


Buying, selling, interacting, integrating, in short, relating. Companies operate in a process of wide adaptation, as the different forms of interaction with their customers undergo systematic changes due to the revolution that technology, especially the internet, imposes on the market. Understanding the complexity of the omnichannel retail is the main objective of this paper. Using bibliometric methodological strategies and systematic review, this study presents a survey on this topic, from the marketing perspective as the main approach. The research was conducted in seven databases in order to list the main articles on the subject. The search terms were omnichannel and its main omni-channel variation. The bases used were: Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, Capes Periodicals, Scielo, Ebsco Host and Spell. The main results indicate that marketing researchers deal with omnichannel from the consumer's perspective (consumer experiences and the importance of the customer journey in omnichannel retail), the business strategies adopted by companies to operate in this retail format (investments in technology to integrate the performance in different channels) and the interaction of marketing with other organizational areas (integration of marketing with other areas to operate in this retail context). In conclusion, the following topics for future research are suggested: a)  understanding the customer journey; b) steps taken followed by consumers and decipher how consumer experiences can impact new purchases; c) understanding how companies are preparing to deal with this omnichannel scenario.


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Author Biographies

Marcelo Lisboa Pereira, UFSC

Mestrando em Administração PPGA/UFSC

Martin de La Martiniere Petroll, UFSC

Doutora em Engenharia da Produção. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) – Brasil

Gabriela Gonçalves Silveira Fiates, UFSC

Doutora em Engenharia da Produção. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) – Brasil


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