Innovativeness in STARTUPS: A learning-oriented approach


  • Marcos Luiz Lins Filho Instituto Federal da Bahia - IFBA
  • Adrianne Paula Vieira de Andrade Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
  • Gilson Gomes da Silva Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN



Innovation. Startups. Innovativeness. Learning Orientation.


In an increasingly competitive market, innovation becomes a mantra of businesses. This is evident in the context of startups, technology-based companies that are changing business models. This work is analysis of the ability to innovate in startups. The purpose of this paper is to understand how the elements of organizational learning contribute to innovation capacity of startups. The research is exploratory with a qualitative approach. Three semi-structured interviews were conducted. Data analysis was performed using the content analysis technique. The results showed that the intra-organizational knowledge sharing, open-mindedness and commitment to learning were the most evident aspects in the statements of interviewees. Also, a trend for sharing through more agile and interactive methods, such as dialogues, informal interactions for the dissemination of knowledge in a collaborative ecosystem was identified. Entrepreneurs are attentive to new ideas and to market gaps, they also stimulate employees' initiatives that generate innovations. The shared vision was the least emphasized construct in the respondents' reports.


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Author Biography

Marcos Luiz Lins Filho, Instituto Federal da Bahia - IFBA

Possui graduação em Ciência da Computação pela Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (2003). Especialização em Segurança de Redes e Criptografia pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (2009). Mestrado em Ciência da Computação pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (2011). Especialização em Gestão de Tecnologia da Informação na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (2013). Doutorado em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (2019). Foi Professor Mediador do Curso Técnico em Informática do Instituto Metrópole Digital - IMD/UFRN nos anos de 2016 e 2017. Atuou como Analista de Sistemas e gestor na empresa Petrobras Distribuidora S/A entre os anos de 2004 e 2018. Atualmente é Professor Efetivo do Instituto Federal da Bahia - IFBA - Campus Eunápolis. Possui experiência nas áreas de Ciência da Computação e Administração


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