Model of people management indicators in small and medium building companies


  • Vilmar Roque Pereira Universidade Comuntária da Região de Chapecó e Sinduscon Oeste
  • Marcelo Fabiano Costella Universidade Comuntária da Região de Chapecó e Faculdade Meridional
  • Francieli Dalcanton Universidade Comuntária da Região de Chapecó



Indicators model. People management. Construction.


This paper aimed to apply a model of people management indicators in small and medium construction companies. The application of the research was carried out in four construction companies that build residential buildings in the city of Chapecó / SC. The proposed model was based on Ivancevich people management method. Initially, a diagnosis was made in companies through a questionnaire containing 25 items (each item corresponds to an activity in people management). Then, 12 items considered most important by company managers were classified. Subsequently, the proposed indicator model containing 12 procedures, measuring instruments (standard forms) and performance indicators was defined. Finally, the practical application of the model was carried out with the participation of the construction manager. Among the results obtained, the indicator of candidates recruited with the desired vacancy profile stands out: only 25% of the recruited candidates presented the desired profile. Besides, the admission training indicator showed that 100% of the hired candidates were trained and the indicator of third-party verification revealed that, in one of the companies surveyed, more than 50% of the items evaluated showed non-compliance. The research led to the conclusion that construction companies need to adopt a people management model structured with indicators, with the participation of all involved in the process.


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