Study on the relationship between project risk management, knowledge management and decision-making
Project management, Project Risk Management, Knowledge Management, Decision Making, Bibliometric Analysis.Abstract
Many organizations are constantly encouraged to innovate in their processes, products and services, thus differentiating themselves from the competition and in order to win customer preference. One of the ways to innovate is to achieve projects that seek to renew themselves in the market. Nevertheless, the management of these projects is necessary for the development of knowledge that can be used in risk management in projects developed by companies. In this context, the following research question was formulated: What are the theoretical relationships between project risk management, knowledge management and decision-making processes? In order to answer this question, we studied the theoretical relationships between project risk management, knowledge management and decision making through the analysis of academic production on these three elements. An exploratory applied research was performed. Firstly, the structures of the three constructs proposed by the main authors were analyzed to identify the relationships between the constituent elements. Then, a bibliometric study was performed to confirm the relationships identified in the academic production. As a result, we identified theoretical relationships gathered in a conceptual model that presents the main variables and respective components of the researched theme. In addition, the proposed model also groups the variables and their components, providing a comprehensive view of the interrelationships between the hitherto independent and focused themes. We also verified that there is little research on the topic and that it deserves further studies.
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