Energy resources improvement through the management of the dryer wood


  • Josimara Santos Cardoso Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC)
  • Jorge André Ribas Moraes Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC)
  • André Luiz Emmel Silva Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC)



Eucalyptus dunnii. Wood drying. Economic analysis.


Considering that drying is one of the main stages of wood used for the generation of steam, this paper presents an analysis of the drying process of wood used to feed boilers of a company located in the south of Brazil, over the period of one year. The scope of the present study is dunnii eucalyptus type. However a comparison with the saligna type was made in order to calculate the energetic gains between these two species in relation to their drying. And a comparison between the power generated by both species was made. The paper also presents a relationship between covered piles of firewood and uncovered piles, as well as their cost/benefit results. It was possible to verify that the best time of the year for the firewood cutting in the region under study is until the end of September, so the piles will have at least five months of exposure during the summer months. It has also been found that covered piles can reduce humidity up to 20%, and have a viable cost/benefit.


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