Cooperatives and the management model under the academic prism: a bibliometric study of the last decade


  • Andrieli de Fátima Paz Nunes Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Deoclécio Junior Cardoso da Silva Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Denise Adriana Johann Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Nandria Scherer Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Cooperatives. Management system. Bibliometric Study.


This article deals with the scientific production related to cooperatives in the context of its management system. The area was chosen because of the importance of the theme, since this model of organization has collaborated for the economic and social development of the country. In this perspective, the use of a good management system guarantees the permanence of the cooperative organizations in the evolutionary process of the economy. Thus, this article aims to present the scenario of research in the international scientific production on the topic Cooperatives and the Management System. The methodology adopted was a bibliometric study. The search carried out by topic and it resulted in 3,034 works found in the period of 10 years (2008-2018). The total number of publications was identified with evidence in the data per year, thematic areas, document types, year of publication, authors, funding agencies and institutions, nationality, languages, index h and index m. Finally, the Vosviewer software was used for the creation of textual maps and co-citation clusters. Among the results obtained, Brazil appears as the tenth country in the ranking in quantity of publications, and it was also possible  to perceive a relevant increase of the theme worldwide.


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