Scope management for the project “Library of reuse of software requirements for different domains”




Management. Reuse Library. Scope. Requirements.


The software development process requires the fulfillment of several steps, where the management of requirements proves to be one of the most complex and important. A platform that allows the access of software development teams to an online library containing a set of requirements for the domain that one wishes to implement, and that provides the reuse of these requirements can bring many benefits in terms of quality, time and costs. In this context, a project of structuring a library of reuse of software requirements for different domains is of great interest to the software development community (developers and / or organizations). The purpose of this article is to propose the project "Library of reuse of software requirements for different domains" through the elaboration of two essential documents of scope management, the Work Breakdown Structure - WBS (project scope) and the List of Requirements (product scope). In order to elaborate this work, the following steps were performed: (i) study on scope management and requirements engineering with emphasis on requirements elicitation and libraries of reuse; (ii) elaboration and validation of the WBS through interviews with senior researchers in the Computing area; (iii) preparation of the List of Requirements; (iv) validation of the List of Requirements through field research, using questionnaires, with professionals in the area of Information Technology (TI). The research led to the conclusion that the proposed Library, represented by the documents of scope management (project and product), proved to be important and capable of generating benefits for the TI area.


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Author Biography

Aline Pires V. Vasconcelos, Instituto Federal Fluminense (IFFluminense)



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