Theory of planned behavior - testing performance expectation on intention to play on-line games


  • André Luiz da Cunha Silva Universidade Estácio de Sá (UNESA)
  • Paulo Roberto Costa Vieira Universidade Estácio de Sá (UNESA)



On-line Games. Technology Adoption. Partial Least Squares.


On-line games demand has been growing and is projected worldwide to reach $ 118.6 billion in 2019. Earlier studies have analyzed on-line games through technology adoption models such as TPB (Theory of Planned Behavior) and TAM (Technology Acceptance Model), but they excluded performance expectation construct because efficiency and performance are used usually in business context. This study aims to analyze the influence of Performance Expectation in on-line games technology adoption considering this construct also important when related to entertainment. This empirical study involved 186 participants who answered a structured questionnaire, already  previously tested, whose main dimension was Experience of Involvement. The obtained data were treated with structural equation modeling (SEM), using partial least squares (PLS). The results confirmed the main hypothesis: Performance Expectation dimension has a positive impact on the intention to play on-line games, for this sample.


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Author Biography

Paulo Roberto Costa Vieira, Universidade Estácio de Sá (UNESA)

Professor Adjunto do Mestrado em Administração e Desenvolvimento Empresarial (MADE)


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