An it multinational company innovating in the latin america region based on external signals An exploratory case study of how a global t-KIBS company innovates acquiring external signals and converting them into innovation




Innovation. Peripheral Vision. Absorptive Capacity.


The main objective of this exploratory qualitative case study research is to study the external knowledge acquisition and
opportunities translation into innovations. In order to reach this goal it is proposed to use the Peripheral Vision and
Absorptive Capacity constructs as lens to study the phenomenon. These two elements composed and combined form a
four-phases framework – source, monitoring, interpretation and conversion, which was applied in a Latin America
subsidiary of a large Multinational Information Technology Services company. The innovation outcomes were explored
as performance evidences of the framework as an innovation process mechanism. As findings we could realise evidences
the company seeks and generates innovation mainly using their clients as source, having as outcome, process
innovations, with incremental impact. Also we saw the different leadership perspectives about the importance of
innovation phases in the framework.


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Author Biographies

Celso dos Santos Malachias, FGV EAESP.

Administração da Produção e Operações.

Luiz Carlos Di Serio, FGV EAESP.

Administração da Produção e Operações.


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