Structure of accommodation facilities for people with special needs in Santa Catarina


  • Suzana Rodrigues Macedo Faculdade Senac Florianópolis
  • Carlos André de Sousa Rocha Faculdade Senac Criciúma



Accessibility. Hotels. Tourism Santa Catarina.


This research aimed to conduct a preliminary analysis in relation to accessibility for people with special needs in the accommodation facilities of Santa Catarina. The importance of the research is justified due to the need of the market to adapt the tourism sector to the demands of people with special needs as well as  to conform to the Federal Law 13146 of July 6, 2015, which provides that the public and the private sectors create conditions for accessibility. The methodology used in the research was exploratory and descriptive having as a starting point a survey of the number of existing accommodation facilities in Santa Catarina recorded in CADASTUR and the verification of their structure according to reported in the register, based on the NBR 9050, verifying the adaptation of housing units in those the means of accommodation in what concerns accessibility for people with special needs. This research shows that the number of housing units with some kind of adaptation to facilitate accessibility for people with special needs is low, demonstrating the need for means of accommodation in Santa Catarina to adequate in order to meet this demand.


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