Legal aspects of tourism and hospitality in Brazil: the existence of regulatory frameworks for the sector


  • Nilzo Felisberto Senac/SC
  • Naíra Ronconi Fernandes Acadêmica do Curso de Superior de Tecnologia de Gestão de Processos Gerenciais



Law. Legislation. Regulation. Tourism and Hospitality.


Brazil, for being rich in natural beauty and other attractions, is one of the tourist destination in the world, and thus, it is urgent that further regulation governing the exploration of all its environmental and cultural heritage be established, as well as rules with protective measures for the consumer tourist. Discussed and debated only superficially by national bodies and by law enforcement officers, the existing legislation, which deals with government functions, planning, development and stimulating the tourism and hospitality sector, is seeking to discipline all aspects of the process, from service delivery, to registration, classification and supervision of the sector, in favor of the entrepreneur and protection of the consumer of this area of  the goods and service industry. This is a research of documentary nature its goal is to describe and analyze the tourism and hospitality industry, based on the existing regulatory framework for the sector in Brazil, and its forms of standardization and certification. Given the relevance of the theme, an interdisciplinary  approach between the tourism and hospitality laws was followed. By observing the legal system as a whole made up of the particularities of the sector, we concluded that  constitutional and infra-constitutional norms, laws and regulatory standards, appear as true legislating pillars and legislating cornerstones of the activities of this sector - not as something independent, isolated from other sectors of the economy and which, like those other sectors, has run its course, yet with room for improvement.


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Author Biography

Nilzo Felisberto, Senac/SC

bacharel em Direito pela UNESC - Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense e Mestre em Direito pela UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Professor do Senac / Cricúma


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