Analyze the Determining Factors of Manager Efficiency in the Generation of Operating Cash Flow




managers efficiency, Operating Cash Flow (OCF), Stewardship, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).


According to the objectives of financial reporting, particularly stewardship objective, the aim of this study is to assess the manager's efficiency of listed firms in the Tehran Stock Exchange in the generation of operating cash flow on the basis of data envelopment analysis (DEA) during the period 2013 to 2019. In this survey, for research hypotheses testing, multivariate regression was employed. The research results indicated that the level of manager efficiency in the generation of operating cash flow is very low and has a decreasing trend. Also, the evidence demonstrated that factors including profitability, CEO's financial knowledge, and percentage of shares owned by institutional shareholders have no significant correlation with the managers' efficiency. Nevertheless, company size, financial leverage, board independence, and competitiveness have a significant correlation with the managers' efficiency in the generation of operating cash flow. Meanwhile, company size has a negative correlation with managers' efficiency and a positive correlation with the remaining items.


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