Post-pandemic effect of the Coronavirus on the share prices of three groups in the sugar and alcohol sector in Brazil




multiple linear regression, time series analysis, crystal sugar, hydrous ethanol, Covid-19.


In this study, the aim is to compare the post-pandemic BSEV3, SMTO3, and CSAN3 stock prices correlating with the prices of crystal sugar, hydrated ethanol and the dollar and check the trend of these stock prices for the coming months. The methodology used was descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis (RLM), and time series analysis. Data were collected between February 2020 the September 2020. The descriptive analysis showed that the BSEV3 Coefficient of Variation was higher than the other groups. At RLM, the share prices of the group, and ethanol prices are positive in relation to each other, being dispersed to the dollar and crystal sugar. Finally, the analysis of time series showed that BSEV3 had better trends in all scenarios and confirmed that the price indicators for Sugar VHP and Ethanol influence market expectations for the segment and the dollar effect moderates the decision between producing sugar or ethanol due to exports. These indicators were observed before and after the pandemic,  and they showed a relationship between organizational efficiency and market expectations for this segment.


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Author Biographies

Fernando Rodrigues de Amorim, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio Mesquita” – Câmpus de Tupã

Sistemas Fuzzy aplicados nas Ciências Agrárias

Gessuir Pigatto, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP-Tupã.

Centro de Pesquisa em Administração e Agronegócio (CEPEAGRO).


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