Knowledge Management in Health Care: knowledge assets mapping with CommonKADS
Knowledge management. Health organization. CommonKADS. Knowledge Engineering. Case study.Abstract
This study aimed to understand how knowledge assets are embedded in the patient care process in a healthcare organization. We conducted a case study in a organization from health sector and we used observation and interviews from collecting data. We follow guidelines from CommonKADS for analyzing and organizing the results. The results showed that of the six knowledge assets identified, the knowledge asset related to the study group is not in the correct form, place, time and quality. This directly influences the process of knowledge creation, which is impaired, since only socialization happens properly. Thus, for this case it was suggested the use of computational agents so that all stages of knowledge creation can happen, and the feasibility of this proposal was demonstrated in the study. Moreover, the results showed that the organizational culture, guided by the leader, favors the sharing of knowledge in the studied organization, as well as the provision of quality care to patients. Our findings contribute to the knowledge-based view, empirical research related to Knowledge Management in health organizations in emerging countries and exemplify the application of CommonKADS. Future research may explore cases in other knowledge-intensive sectors, and may use methods for analyzing the dynamic aspects of organizational knowledge creation.
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