About the Journal

Focus and Scope

NAVUS is a periodical in electronic and open access format. It is published by Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial de Santa Catarina in Brazil – SENAC/SC/Brazil, and it has as target audience researchers, professors, professionals and students in the area of Public and Private Management, Accounting Sciences, and Tourism.

The objectives of the Journal are:

a) to disseminate the scientific production of researchers from different regions in Brazil and abroad;

b) to present theoretical essays collecting the contribution of specialists in their respective areas.

Navus receives contributions of original scientific articles from Brazilian and foreign authors, as well as critical reviews.
The production may be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish in the following categories:

 Articles presenting scientific themes or approaches (research report, case study, application of methods, techniques and work processes) which contribute to broaden and disseminate knowledge; or theoretical essay (with analysis and discussion of new management ideas);

Reviews with appreciation and critical analysis of recently launched publications or events.

It is aimed at the areas of Public and Private Administration, Accounting Sciences and Tourism and receives contributions in the field of management allied to technology in a wide spectrum of subdomains of knowledge in:
- Organizational and Strategic Management;
- People Management;
- Production and Logistics Management;
- Quality Management;
- Commercial and Marketing Management;
- Information and Knowledge Management;
- Sustainable Development Management;
- Tourism Management;
- Educational Management.

Peer Review Process

The texts sent to NAVUS journal must be unpublished.

Evaluators and authors must be aware that texts previously published in other sources (such as magazines or books) will not be accepted.
Considering that scientific events are primary sources of information, the journal accepts articles from such sources provided the text is not a body replica of the original. The author is to communicate the Editor   informing the link with the publication of the event and also inform readers in the of the text or in footnote.

Plagiarism, including the publication of parts from the author, without the proper quotation will not be allowed. NAVUS makes use of similarity detection software and adopts actions to prevent plagiarism and ethical misconduct according to directions of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The first evaluation of the manuscript is made by the editor. The purpose it to verify whether the theme is aligned to the scope of the journal and whether the material is in consonance with the directions provided to the authors. The initial procedure is quick and avoids authors having to wait very long for an initial review.

Next, the manuscript approved in the preliminary evaluation is submitted to double blind peer review by members of the editorial board or evaluators ad hoc, in the specific field. Should there be divergent views on the material, the text is then submitted to a third reviewer.

For the evaluation process, NAVUS provides reviewers with a form.

Based on the evaluation of the reviewers, the editor decides on the publishing of the manuscript. The result of the evaluation of reviewers is sent to the authors via e-mail without disclosing the names of the evaluators.

The presentation of the technical team involved in the production to the journal will mention those reviewers who have worked in the previous issue. (Such procedure guarantees the publication of the names of those engaged in the evaluation process in a trimester.

The names of all reviewers involved in a given trimester will be provided in the next trimester issue whether the articles they have reviewed have been published, rejected, or whether the articles are still waiting for another review. Therefore, every time the editor receives a review, the reviewers are given a certificate stating they have participated in evaluation of the next issue of the journal.

The average time between submission and the first feedback is 12 weeks.

The editorial team is entitled to:

- Request authors to make changes in submitted texts whenever a change in content or form is necessary;

-Make formal changes concerning ABNT or APA rules as well as orthographic, grammatical and foreign language which will be made by specialized reviewers.

 The editorial team is also entitled to invite specialist with academic expertise in the areas of Public and Private Business Management, Accountancy, and Tourism to contribute with Navus by publishing their articles. In such case the texts are submitted to the procedures of formal review: ABNT or APA rules, orthographic, grammatical and foreign language reviews made by specialized reviewers. The texts will be published with a note identifying them as “invited article”

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.